We all know that if you want to have a healthy body, it is necessary to exercise often, because it can exercise your muscles and you can train your reflex actions. You can also write action plan to do it.
We also know that whether you are an entrepreneur, you have to have insight into the nature of the business and create better, more efficient, and enforceable solutions. It needs ability of independent thinking and creative thinking.
But you may not know that creative thinking is not innate. It can be exercised in the same way like a healthy body, or most other abilities.
Overcome Negative Thoughts is the Prerequisite to mind training
This is probably the first and the most important thing you need to do when it comes to mindfulness training is to overcome negative thoughts.
The negative thoughts are next to impossible to fully stop. Instead, you must train your mind to answer them with stronger, more positive thoughts. Learn to trust yourself through positive self-talk. This is not a skill to learn in a single day, but you can train yourself before your crucible strikes.
The best step you can possibly take for yourself at this very moment is to practice the subtle art of training your mind and thoughts. Meditate on it. When you hear yourself complaining, counter your negative thought with an empowering one. Smile more often, even when you do not feel like it. Feel your fears and doubts, but go for it anyways. Compliment yourself daily. Practice gratitude and mindfulness.
Ask yourself the question, “Who do you want to be?” and use the answer to thwart any thoughts that keep you from becoming that person.
Negative thoughts are next to impossible to fully stop. Instead, you must train your mind to challenge them with stronger, positive thoughts.
Mind Training Tips to use your brain effectively
According to research, people only realize 5% of their cognitive activities. We don’t know how most of our emotion and action are happening.
For examples, why do we love someone at first sight? Why do we want to buy stuff when having bad mood? Why do we cry when listening to some songs?
Until the 20th century, scientists were able to observe the state of brain activity and found a little more than 1 kilograms of the brain, which is the master key to human destiny. People’s life will become better or worse because of the function of the brain.
People often think that smart and clever is the patent of genius, in fact, it may be that you misunderstand your brain, so that it cannot perform the full function.
It is the real brain development that challenges your mind and makes the brain’s neural network more tightly linked. Here are the 6 secrets of mind training.
How to train your brain to think faster
1. The happier your brain is, the better you learn
The nerve conduction substance dopamine, which brings about a happy feeling, can help improve learning efficiency.
When it comes to achieving a long term goal, dopamine secretes a lot of excitement, and it also links the neural circuitry of the action to reach the target.
2. More Sports, Smarter the Mind
The exercise allows the cells in your brain to get more oxygen and nutrients, as well as increase the levels of BDNF, (the nerve growth factor), to help the neurons grow. Children and teenagers who often exercise can use more cognitive resources to do their homework and have better persistence.
Therefore, arranging physical activity in the learning’s or working’s break not only helps relieve stress, but also activates the body state and is not easily get distracted.
3. Curiosity, relaxation and work hard helps creativity
You need full preparation and practice. Creativity is not skyrocketing. Newton saw the Apple fall and discovered the law of universal gravitation, but he had a thorough study of physics and often think about many problems before the epiphany.
You also need enough rest and relaxation. Let the best idea emerge. Satiety occurs when the brain continues to overuse a subject in its place.
4. Help the brain focus
Break down into pieces: Don’t be greedy to think you can apply a new knowledge of the first time. Spend some time for the brain to take a break and digest. It’s better to step by step start from the basic.
Be attentive, not multitasking: It is easy to make mistakes by talking to a mobile phone while driving. If a person’s work process has been interrupted, not only it will take more time to complete, the error rate will also increase by 50%.
5. Pictures can help memory
Learning using pictures has better speed and memory effect than learning through words. Visualizing, imagining, or interacting with each other (more comical and useful) will make it easier to recall.
6. Sleep well, learn better
More and more studies have found that sleep is important for the sequence and consolidation of memory. Take a short nap after studying and training can get the work done better.
Although you can temporarily cope with the exam if you stay up late to study, knowledge, however, can’t store in the long-term memory and easy to forget.
Sleep affects the way people acquire and retain new skills, and people who are deprived of sleep, their creativity and ability to make decisions become worse.
Source: https://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5004983
Benefits of Mind Training
1. Reduce stress during exam time
While the prevalence of anxiety and depression among first year undergraduates is lower than the general population, it increases to overtake this during their second year. The number of students accessing counselling services in the UK grew by 50% from 2010 to 2015, surpassing the growth in the number of students during the same period. There is little consensus as to whether students are suffering more mental disorders, are less resilient than in the past or whether there is less stigma attached to accessing support. Regardless, mental health support services for students are becoming stretched.
Mindfulness training can help support students at risk of mental health problems, concludes a randomised controlled trial carried out by researchers at the University of Cambridge.
2. Maintain Weight Loss
The findings, published in the World Obesity Federation journal Obesity Reviews, are “encouraging” and “highlight the potential of using mindfulness training to support weight loss,” says Carrière, a doctoral student in Prof. Knäuper’s Health Psychology Lab in the Department of Psychology. “We recommend that further research investigate how integrating mindfulness training into lifestyle-change programs improves weight-loss maintenance.”
Can mindfulness training help overweight people shed pounds and keep them off? McGill University researchers surveyed the growing body of studies investigating that question, and came away encouraged.

Activities that promote fast thinking
How can I train my mind?
Simple answer – just experience it.
The whole “think about it, and it will happen” is BS.
Think about it, then experience it, and then it will happen.
I believe consciousness is based on experience. We become conscious of the things we try, and the things we understand through experience.
We become conscious and mindful, through experience and doing. Our mind uses experiences to filter what we see. If we want to become more then we must let our mind experience more.
Allowing your mind to experience is the superpower.
The moment your mind feels like it’s not having any major wins, it will tempt you to give into doing things you want to avoid doing.
Brain training in Practice
To improve the logical thinking ability in the long run, it’s important to cultivate reading, writing and thinking habits, but the problem is that it takes too long and it’s hard to quantify, and only a handful of people can stick with it for a long time.
Here is a tricky and quantifiable exercise that requires 10-20 minutes a day. Adhere to 100 days and you will find your logical thinking will enhance a lot which help you solve the problem in the work, express clearly and make accurate judgments in mind training.
Prepare some A4 papers. Write a theme in each paper. Take notes 4-6 lines each page. It should take less than 2 minutes to complete 1 page. Spend about 20 minutes a day to complete 10 pages.
What to write:
Most people are always thinking about all kinds of things, but they always hesitate and go round in circles.
Write each thing into each page so that you don’t need to use your brain to remember it. Your mind has more room to do other meaningful things. When the thing on any page gets resolved, you will feel relief.
Write down your most original feeling. Do not think it so complex. Also, do not need to consider the composition of the notes, format, words and sentences. At any time, you think about the development of in-depth mining notes, then go for it.
Your mind is running so fast and so relaxed that you seem to have endless content to say. Speaking more can drive your brain to think. It’s really helpful to have more communication and express yourself.
Find yourself something to do. Keep yourself busy. Learn to cook, learn to draw, learn photography, learn musical instruments. Find something you are interested in. You will feel full and satisfied and won’t be stunned or dazed.